Tuesday, April 14, 2009

How to: Use META tags

In today's tutorial, we'll learn how to use META tags on your blog and what they are for. We'll be using blogger for this example.

First off, what are META tags and what are they used for? Well, META tags are used partly to see what your sites content is about. Google and other search engines can read these META tags and place them in appropriate search topics. META tags can be repeated to a maximum of three times, depending on their worth.
Let's begin.

Step 1:
Log into your Blogger account, and click Layout. From their, click 'Edit HTML'.
Step 2:
The next thing we need to do is edit it.
Chances are, you have META tags already, but with nothing in them. Using Ctrl+F or Cmd+F, search for name='keywords'. You may or may not have this. If you do
, skip to Step 3. If you don't, read on. First, find <.head> (without the dot). Then paste in this right after it: and after the last phrase
. The current HTML can be found her

Step 3:
So either you've got the base code
or you've just added it after the head element. Now, we will populate the meta tags with keywords. Keyword
s are pretty much META tags.
For anyone that already had META tags, and have found name='keywords',go backwards up that line until you find meta content. The tricky part here is that you can't over shoot it- make sure that the meta content and
name=keywords are in the same bracket. If you don't understand at all, go back to Step 2 and re-do the steps, pretending that you don't have them.

If you've just added it, find the code you just added, and in meta content='fill tags here', fill in fill tags here with, well, your own tags. Seperate all your tags with commas!
Here's the completed code!

Step 4:
Save your template. Go to your blog again. There's going to be no apparent differences. Maybe some different ads for your visitors (finally!) because of your different keywords.

-Til next time.

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Or email me at finaiized(at)gmail.com if you want. I'm welcome to all suggestions you may have, and am willing to help you.

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